Friends Edition
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50 Scratch-Off Adventures with Friends
How many countless nights have you spent sitting around with your squad trying to come up with something fun to do? It’s time to start creating lasting memories with your friends that are out of the box and fun. The catch? You don’t know what that adventure will be until you scratch off the super secret adventure foil (like a lottery ticket, but instead of losing $5, you actually get to do something fun).
Adventure is calling you off the couch, so pick up the Friend’s Edition and get ready to bring excitement back into your friendships.
Once it's scratched off, you HAVE to do it. It's time to discover something new about yourself. Simply choose a category together, then scratch off your adventure! Don't forget to take a picture and journal your experience! When you finish, you'll have a keepsake to look back on.
Hint: There's a time and money guide over each box to help you decide.
For you and your bestie or your entire crew!
How much are the challenges?
The challenges range from $0-$50 but they can all be modified to fit within your budget.